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Using Guardianship To Protect A Loved One

If an individual has become incapacitated to the point they are in danger of harm or unable to manage their own care, it may be necessary for the family or a third party to intervene.

Maureen L. Anderson is a Certified Elder Law Attorney (CELA) who is well-versed in guardianship law. She helps individuals and families petition the court for guardianship for the protection and supervision of a loved one.

When Is Guardianship Needed?

Guardianship may be necessary when an individual:

  • Becomes mentally or physically incapacitated due to dementia, disabilities, illness or injury
  • Does not have a power of attorney in place
  • Lacks the mental capacity to name an agent under power of attorney

Or may be necessary:

  • When a disabled child reaches adulthood and a parent no longer has parental authority over the child due to the child becoming of legal age (the age of majority)

Without a guardian, that person may be vulnerable to financial scams and other abuse, or they may pose a danger to their own health and safety. If appointed, the guardian is responsible for managing the financial affairs and personal care decisions of the incapacitated person, including residential issues and health care.

Get Knowledgeable Help With Guardianship Law

To discuss guardianship with an experienced lawyer, call Maureen L. Anderson Elder Law at 215-595-2600 or reach us through our email contact form.


Serving Bucks, Montgomery, Philadelphia and Nearby Counties